Sunday, April 24, 2011


The Hoad Monument was made in the style of an Eddystone Lighthouse, and restored thanks to a National Lottery grant last year.
Judith and me climbed up to see Hoad today - Easter Sunday.

It is the first time in 28 years of going to Ulverston that I have ever climbed right to the top. We were the last visitors of the day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ulverston - St George Day Pageant 2011

We are up in Ulverston in Cumbria for Easter and saw St George come into town.
A young damsel watching from a balcony was kidnapped and tied up by an evil baron.
All this happened while a jester was entertaining the crowds.
A few jokes later and two damsels were kidnapped. St George arrived to deal with the dragon.

and the evil baron got caught with his pants down. Audience participation was taken a little too far on this occasion